Most of you know that we recently bought and moved into a house. So far, home owning has been wonderful. I know that soon a pipe will break or something, but for right now, I am relishing the idea of having something of our own.
One amazing thing that came with the house was a clothesline! I have many summer memories of hanging clothes on the line, using them as curtains in a stage show, and frantically running out to take them off the line when it began to rain. Although it was a chore when I was a kid, I am happy to hang clothes on the line now. I mean, it saves a ton of money when it comes to our electricity bill and the clothes smell super fresh afterward.
One thing I needed when we started using it, though, was something to hold my clothespins. I know that there are zillions of tried and true methods housewives the world over use to hold their pins, but I didn't want to go to the work of making some wire contraption that would have turned into a mess. I saw a couple tutorials online and went for a concept that combined ideas from several. It was the most simple sewing project I have done in a long time!
Start with your supplies: A wire hanger, a placemat, thread, and a sewing machine.
Fold one short edge over the horizonal wire on your hanger and pin it to hold it in place. Stitch the fold in place.
Now, fold up the other short end to almost meet the bottom of your first fold. Stitch each side to hold your new "pocket" in place.
Make sure you backstitch at the end of each line of sewing--you want this baby to hold up.
Then, you're done! Go hang it on the line and revel in its beauty.
Oh, and by all means, snip the threads at the end or they will show up in your photos!! Gah!
Also, bend your wire hanger around the line a bit so it doesn't blow away.
So, go ye and make a clothespin bag. Or, if you don't have a clothesline, I guess you'll have to bake cookies instead. It's a tough trade, I know.
Ooh looks pretty! I've got to make one of those.