Yes, the title of this post is correct, yesterday, I finished my schoolhouse tunic that I have been "working on" for weeks. Mostly it has just been sitting in pieces in a plastic bag on my kitchen table (much to my own chagrin). Yesterday, I dusted it off and pulled it own and decided to get down to it.
If you have ever seen this pattern at your local sewing shop, you should pick it up. Now that mine is done, I want to make 20 more. It is so cute!

I made mine shirt length instead of dress length, but the dress would be cute, too. Now, the whole process of making this shirt was not as easy as I was hoping, but it turned out pretty good. The easiest part of the tunic turned out to be my most time consuming--I sewed the two side panels together backward, then had to rip them all out! No worries, though, I just watched a few episodes of Nineteen Kids and Counting while I was working on it. I tell you what, those people have got some nice kids! Back to the tunic, though. I ended up really liking the last few steps where I put the pleats in the "skirt" of the shirt and attached it to the top. I probably liked those steps because they are definitely the easiest, but also the most satisfying. That's when you really see it all come together.
I will leave you with a few photos of the finished tunic and the sewing process. I apologize for the purple shorts--they were $3 at Wal-Mart. Sometimes you just can't pass these things up.