Friday, September 3, 2010

Back to School...

If you haven't noticed, it's been a while since my last post. Let me explain why. 100 eighth graders. That's why. I am back in school and therefore have been living in a world of driving, sleeping, grading, and teaching for the last three weeks. But I can't live in that world forever. You have to step out every once in a while. So that's what I'm doing. I'm back to give you an update of the test nest tests that I have been working on.

To get ready for school I needed to do some things to spruce up my room. My classroom looked great from the previous teacher, but the blue sheers on the window had to go! So I decided to make a valance. It only took about a yard and a half of fabric. I got it on sale at The Calico House here in Lincoln. Cute little stripes. My mom gave me a few pointers and I whipped it right up. Turned out pretty good, if you ask me.

I thought the stripe would appeal to all. One person noticed in my class, and that was enough!

I also made a little bulletin board display to keep my kids in the spirit of staying on track. The A-Team stopped by to help me out.

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Back to School...

If you haven't noticed, it's been a while since my last post. Let me explain why. 100 eighth graders. That's why. I am back in school and therefore have been living in a world of driving, sleeping, grading, and teaching for the last three weeks. But I can't live in that world forever. You have to step out every once in a while. So that's what I'm doing. I'm back to give you an update of the test nest tests that I have been working on.

To get ready for school I needed to do some things to spruce up my room. My classroom looked great from the previous teacher, but the blue sheers on the window had to go! So I decided to make a valance. It only took about a yard and a half of fabric. I got it on sale at The Calico House here in Lincoln. Cute little stripes. My mom gave me a few pointers and I whipped it right up. Turned out pretty good, if you ask me.

I thought the stripe would appeal to all. One person noticed in my class, and that was enough!

I also made a little bulletin board display to keep my kids in the spirit of staying on track. The A-Team stopped by to help me out.

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