Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Turning Minnesotan

by Leslie

I am accustomed to cold winter weather--I mean, I grew up in Nebraska.  We are known for hot summers, cold winters, and lots of wind.  The other thing I have learned is that often Nebraskans fight against whatever season it is.  For example, you will see nary a person walking down the street in the winter.  On a cold, rainy fall day, you will witness people walking in shorts and a t-shirt.  In the summers, the topic on everyone's mind is the heat.

This is not to say that this doesn't happen everywhere, but I felt it a lot when I was living there.  Now that I live in Minnesota, my mentality has shifted a bit.  Winters are longer here--they're drawn out with very few sunny days to break through the cold.  I have found that people "embrace" the winters more here.  They get out and go on walks (even the 90 year old ladies that visit the library), they outfit themselves in hi-tech winter wear, and they spend their winters PLANNING.  Planning for warmer days.

I have found that this is one of the best ways for me to deal with the winter is to plan my garden.  I recently bought a little seed starter kit at Fleet Farm, my new favorite place to wander the aisles.  I bought several packs of seeds--peppers, tomatoes, and a few other things you can start indoors.  I have been reading my Seed Savers catalog like nobody's business.  I am obsessed with the stories behind the seeds and am amazed at the long journeys some seeds have made.

In addition to having the garden on my mind, I'm trying lots of new recipes.  You'll hear more from me on that later!

Before I go, I have to share with you some pretty winter photos.

 Frosty tree Monday morning.

This is an unedited picture of our backyard at midnight last night.  The sky was bursting with snow--no lights or flash necessary.

This is what I woke up to this morning.  I love the little mounds of snow.  We got a lot!

Branches heavy with snow.  Embrace it if you can!


  1. Oh Leslie, how I miss thee! I loved this post and I think this is really good advice for Nebraskans...I am guilty of wearing ballet flats with no socks today and have been for all of winter. I think rectifying this habit would make me altogether much more friendly to the inevitable cold that persists here in the Midwest!
    Also, beautiful photos; I especially love your unedited one at midnight.
    Miss you and thanks so much for posting!

    1. Meg--I miss you, as well! Thanks for reading the blog--I am guilty, too. I've been sitting inside all day and I need to shovel!

  2. check out smartgardener.com ....it's free and you'll LOVE it!


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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Turning Minnesotan

by Leslie

I am accustomed to cold winter weather--I mean, I grew up in Nebraska.  We are known for hot summers, cold winters, and lots of wind.  The other thing I have learned is that often Nebraskans fight against whatever season it is.  For example, you will see nary a person walking down the street in the winter.  On a cold, rainy fall day, you will witness people walking in shorts and a t-shirt.  In the summers, the topic on everyone's mind is the heat.

This is not to say that this doesn't happen everywhere, but I felt it a lot when I was living there.  Now that I live in Minnesota, my mentality has shifted a bit.  Winters are longer here--they're drawn out with very few sunny days to break through the cold.  I have found that people "embrace" the winters more here.  They get out and go on walks (even the 90 year old ladies that visit the library), they outfit themselves in hi-tech winter wear, and they spend their winters PLANNING.  Planning for warmer days.

I have found that this is one of the best ways for me to deal with the winter is to plan my garden.  I recently bought a little seed starter kit at Fleet Farm, my new favorite place to wander the aisles.  I bought several packs of seeds--peppers, tomatoes, and a few other things you can start indoors.  I have been reading my Seed Savers catalog like nobody's business.  I am obsessed with the stories behind the seeds and am amazed at the long journeys some seeds have made.

In addition to having the garden on my mind, I'm trying lots of new recipes.  You'll hear more from me on that later!

Before I go, I have to share with you some pretty winter photos.

 Frosty tree Monday morning.

This is an unedited picture of our backyard at midnight last night.  The sky was bursting with snow--no lights or flash necessary.

This is what I woke up to this morning.  I love the little mounds of snow.  We got a lot!

Branches heavy with snow.  Embrace it if you can!


  1. Oh Leslie, how I miss thee! I loved this post and I think this is really good advice for Nebraskans...I am guilty of wearing ballet flats with no socks today and have been for all of winter. I think rectifying this habit would make me altogether much more friendly to the inevitable cold that persists here in the Midwest!
    Also, beautiful photos; I especially love your unedited one at midnight.
    Miss you and thanks so much for posting!

    1. Meg--I miss you, as well! Thanks for reading the blog--I am guilty, too. I've been sitting inside all day and I need to shovel!

  2. check out smartgardener.com ....it's free and you'll LOVE it!


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