Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cake Pops

By: Laura

    Well, it's official, I'm addicted to Pinterest.  Thanks to my good friend, Aileen, who introduced me months ago, I've been pinning up a storm.  At first, I thought, what's the point?  But then after a few innocent pins, I was hooked.  
    One of the things I always see in the food and drink section of Pinterest is cake pops.   They are so cute in the pictures and I decided it was time to give them a try.  Actually, messing up my husband's birthday cake may have pushed me into them.  I forgot the vanilla in his cake and decided that instead of throwing it out (it wasn't that bad, you just knew it was missing something) I would attempt cake pops.  
   Now, I just want to be frank with everyone when I say, these aren't that easy.  They are timing consuming as well as frustrating at times, but they are delicious and a very sweet treat, so I do think it makes up for the long prep.   Here's how it all went down.  

Begin with crumbled cake that has been baked and cooled.   
Add your favorite frosting into the mix.  I chose a chocolate buttercream frosting that my mom makes, but you could use cream cheese, vanilla buttercream or any store bought frosting to make things a bit more simple.

Once the frosting has been added to the cake and mixed well (just use your hands, it's easier) then begin to form them into balls.  This was the frustrating part for me because mine did not look like balls, no matter what I did.  How do they do it on Pinterest?  I don't know!

Chill the balls in the fridge for at least a couple of hours and up to overnight.  I even popped them in the freezer before I used them to make sure they were hard enough to work with.  If they are too soft, this leads to disaster during the dipping stage!

For the final step, melt almond bark in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time until it is stirred smooth.  I used two packages of vanilla almond bark for this large batch of cake pops.  Dip the pops! Note, if you are going to sprinkle them, do so right after dipping because the bark does harden quickly.  

Check out the insides of the finished product.  Oh my goodness!

This is one of my cake bombs as I like to call them.  Total disaster, but still delicious!

The final cake pops!  Aren't they cute?  Dress them up for a great 4th of July dessert.   

So, as I said, these do take a while to prepare, but they are worth it.  I ate way too many of them and had to give some to the neighbors just so I wouldn't gain 5 pounds over the weekend!  Give them a try for your 4th of July party.  It's only a few days away!  

Cake Pops
1 cake mix or scratch cake (any flavor) baked, cooled and crumbled
2 packages almond bark (any flavor)
Wooden Skewers

Chocolate Buttercream Frosting
Recipe: Mom

1/3 cup butter
1/3 cup shortening
1 t. vanilla
1/8 t. salt
3 3/4 cups powdered sugar (1 lb.)
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup cocoa
Cream shortening and butter together, then add cocoa and milk.  Beat in powdered 1 cup at a time.  Beat until light and fluffy (4 - 5 minutes)

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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cake Pops

By: Laura

    Well, it's official, I'm addicted to Pinterest.  Thanks to my good friend, Aileen, who introduced me months ago, I've been pinning up a storm.  At first, I thought, what's the point?  But then after a few innocent pins, I was hooked.  
    One of the things I always see in the food and drink section of Pinterest is cake pops.   They are so cute in the pictures and I decided it was time to give them a try.  Actually, messing up my husband's birthday cake may have pushed me into them.  I forgot the vanilla in his cake and decided that instead of throwing it out (it wasn't that bad, you just knew it was missing something) I would attempt cake pops.  
   Now, I just want to be frank with everyone when I say, these aren't that easy.  They are timing consuming as well as frustrating at times, but they are delicious and a very sweet treat, so I do think it makes up for the long prep.   Here's how it all went down.  

Begin with crumbled cake that has been baked and cooled.   
Add your favorite frosting into the mix.  I chose a chocolate buttercream frosting that my mom makes, but you could use cream cheese, vanilla buttercream or any store bought frosting to make things a bit more simple.

Once the frosting has been added to the cake and mixed well (just use your hands, it's easier) then begin to form them into balls.  This was the frustrating part for me because mine did not look like balls, no matter what I did.  How do they do it on Pinterest?  I don't know!

Chill the balls in the fridge for at least a couple of hours and up to overnight.  I even popped them in the freezer before I used them to make sure they were hard enough to work with.  If they are too soft, this leads to disaster during the dipping stage!

For the final step, melt almond bark in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time until it is stirred smooth.  I used two packages of vanilla almond bark for this large batch of cake pops.  Dip the pops! Note, if you are going to sprinkle them, do so right after dipping because the bark does harden quickly.  

Check out the insides of the finished product.  Oh my goodness!

This is one of my cake bombs as I like to call them.  Total disaster, but still delicious!

The final cake pops!  Aren't they cute?  Dress them up for a great 4th of July dessert.   

So, as I said, these do take a while to prepare, but they are worth it.  I ate way too many of them and had to give some to the neighbors just so I wouldn't gain 5 pounds over the weekend!  Give them a try for your 4th of July party.  It's only a few days away!  

Cake Pops
1 cake mix or scratch cake (any flavor) baked, cooled and crumbled
2 packages almond bark (any flavor)
Wooden Skewers

Chocolate Buttercream Frosting
Recipe: Mom

1/3 cup butter
1/3 cup shortening
1 t. vanilla
1/8 t. salt
3 3/4 cups powdered sugar (1 lb.)
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup cocoa
Cream shortening and butter together, then add cocoa and milk.  Beat in powdered 1 cup at a time.  Beat until light and fluffy (4 - 5 minutes)

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